Bare metal dedicated servers 2019: The Next Generation
Jonathan - Engineering

What do we have in store for our dedicated servers in the upcoming year?
You may have noticed we just released a new line of dedicated servers based on the Xeon Scalable Silver and Xeon E3 v6 CPUs.
This new line of servers are certainly enterprise ready. They include:
- Free 20g private network (two aggregated 10g circuits).
- Dual, redundant power feeds.
- Fast DDR4 RAM.
The important element there is the high capacity private network.
When you are working with multi server software, such as Kubernets or distributed databases like Redis, Mongo, Cassandra and CouchDB, fast communication between servers is simply essential.
A new era of great, enterprise quality, distributed open source software is pushing the limits on Intranet speeds. And that is why ServerPoint has made the important leap to eliminate the gig speed limitation and introduce all clients to the free 10g era.
Our existing clients are keeping our stock low, but once the Christmas season is done, we will be receiving new shipments of these dedicated servers arriving.
Order yours today!