Lumen enhances our Las Vegas data center with top networks


Lumen's network joins our Las Vegas, NV data centers: A new era of connectivity

Jonathan - Engineering

Lumen joins our Las Vegas, NV data centers: A new era of connectivity

We're pleased to announce the addition of Lumen Technologies to our Las Vegas, NV data centers. Lumen, known for encompassing some of the best networks in the world like Level3, Time Warner Telecom, and CenturyLink, represents a significant enhancement in our network capabilities.

Why Lumen?

Lumen Technologies has emerged from combining powerhouse networks such as Level3 and CenturyLink, bringing unparalleled expertise and infrastructure to the table. This integration means our Las Vegas data centers are now equipped with one of the most robust networking backbones available today.

What this means for you

  • World-class network infrastructure: With Lumen's extensive network, expect superior reliability and faster connectivity for all your hosting needs.
  • Enhanced performance: Lumen's advanced network technology ensures your applications and data are delivered with speed and precision.
  • Greater reach and scalability: Whether you're serving local clients or reaching out globally, our Las Vegas data centers powered by Lumen provide the backbone you need to scale effortlessly.

Future-focused connectivity

By partnering with Lumen, we are positioning our services at the forefront of technological advancement. Our commitment to offering state-of-the-art network solutions is stronger than ever. We are excited to bring this level of service to our Las Vegas operations and beyond.

Experience the future of networking with our enhanced Las Vegas data centers. See how our partnership with Lumen can help your business grow and succeed.

Discover our Lumen-powered data centers.