Survival in the cloud: don't put all your eggs in one basket!
Your cloud provider, such as our ColossusCloud service, is the basket.
Your apps and clients are the eggs.
What was the lesson you were always taught from when you were a child? Don't put all eggs in one basket.
Our service provides 6 different and fully independent regions where you can deploy your virtual servers:
- Santa Clara, California (Silicon Valley)
- Las Vegas, Nevada (great stability from natural disasters)
- Dallas, Texas (the south's Internet core)
- Ashburn, Virginia (the east's data center valley)
- Amsterdam, Netherlands (the second highest Internet traffic location in the world)
- Singapore (South East Asia's main Internet hub)
Not only that, but you have many other providers to choose besides ColossusCloud.
Back to the eggs: let's say you have 100 clients that you manage websites for, and you use cPanel to manage their hosting. While it may be cheaper to just have one server with cPanel, and put all eggs there, that is a major mistake you will one day regret.
cPanel, as great as it is, has one flaw: it is a single server solution.
As we've written about before in other articles, downtime is inevitable. Someday, something will happen to that cPanel, its operating system, or one of your client's WordPress will get hacked, causing trouble to all other 99 clients you manage.
Don't do this. Set up, say, 4 virtual servers with cPanel, in our four US regions mentioned above, and put 25 clients in each server. At least when one of those cPanel servers has trouble, you only have 25 clients ringing your phone versus 100, and your blood pressure may not rise much.
You can go further of course, by having more servers, and also setting up cPanel's DNS service in separate virtual servers.
Not only that, but that cPanel, and its Linux operating system, won't run forever. Every few years, as the operating system reaches EOL (end of life), or, cPanel stops supporting the operating system version in your virtual server, you have to migrate your clients over to new servers. It will be a lot easier, and more convenient, when you have fewer clients per server. Also, you have to reboot your virtual server from time to time to install security patches. It is better too, as you do reboots, to affect only a few of your clients at a time, versus affecting all of them.
The important thing to learn here is: never forget your childhood lessons.